Student Services

Figen Arslan

It has been a very busy start to the year. Our Foundation and Year 7 students have been the focal point of of Term One, as we have been making every effort to ensure they have a smooth transition. In February we held a morning tea with Year Seven parents, as a means of meeting and having an information session to enlighten them about various programs, services, Seqta and expectations of students. It was a wonderful session.The Year Sevens have also had a couple of information sessions in class regarding topics such as friendship and communication.

Our Foundation students have made a very smooth transition with our integration aides and myself available to them every morning along with Ms. Gokce and Ms.K. Most of our students were very happy to start school, and we had few tears. I’m sure our parents were very emotional too, but our students were very eager to begin this new chapter in their lives.

The Better Buddies Program has enabled our Foundation students to have their older Grade Six buddies to look up to and help and support them; not only during their buddy sessions, but also out in the school yard. A very special mention to M.D. of Grade Six who saw his Buddy upset in the yard, took him by the hand, comforted him, and sat with him during that lunchtime.

Today marks the first Wednesday that our foundation students have began attending school on a full time basis and to mark this day we held our Annual Better Buddies Picnic. We had a wonderful morning full of games, and a Buddy Bear Hunt and morning snacks.

Today female teachers were also treated to flowers and all staff also received chocolates to mark International Women’s Day. We would like to celebrate this day for all women and their great achievements.

Figen Arslan
Student Support Services